Best Java Programming Tips and Tricks You Should Know

Java was first made to code small computing devices but later on it was adopted as one of the most used programming languages. Java is a simple object-oriented programming language, and it is in many ways similar to C++.Java code is directly compiled to independent bytecode. Java programs can be run on any operating system.

Java Programming Tips and Tricks

1- Always return Empty instead of null

2- Use Strings very carefully

3- Don’t use too many objects

4- Use Try and Catch for effective coding

5- In Java mark the difference between single quotes and double quotes

6- Always release database connections when querying is complete.

7- Release instances stored in Static Tables

8- Always reserve some memory for java for improved RAM performance

9- Use indexOf() method to search in Java.

10- Use collection classes because it assists in reusing the language

11- Read your composed code and algorithm

12- Use Interface wherever possible instead of Abstract class

13- Use Primitive classes instead of Wrapper class

14- Always use jar files

15- Static methods can be generic

Java remains a critical technology that attracts millions of developers to code using this language.Java is used in numerous places like mobile, laptop, etc. So it can be said that Java is the best language which is very easy to learn and understand.