Essential Tips to Manage a Dental Emergency

Always be prepared for any dental emergency, here we provide the step by step guides with Essential Tips to Manage a Dental Emergency.

Essential Tips to Manage a Dental Emergency

Broken Tooth:

  • Save any pieces of the tooth you can.
  • Rinse mouth Out with warm salt water.
  • Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.

Knocked-Out Tooth:

  • Retrieve tooth and hold it by the crown.
  • Rinse carefully with water (do not scrub).
  • If possible, place the tooth back in place (do not force It). This helps you preserve the tooth until you can get to the dentist.
  • If it not possible to reinsert, put the tooth in a small sealed container with milk

(Teeth have the highest chances of being saved if they can be returned to the socket within 1 hour of being knocked out.)

Severe Pain and /or Swelling

  • Rinse thoroughly with warm salt water.
  • If possible, floss gently. Lodged food particles may cause infection and pain
  • Apply a cold compress.

(A sudden toothache and/ or swelling may be caused an abscess or exposed nerve.)

Bleeding Soft-Tissue Injury
(Tongue, Cheeks, Gums, or Lips)

  • Rinse with warm salt water.
  • Use moistened gauze (or a tea bag) to apply pressure to the bleeding area. Hold in place for 15-20 minutes.
  • Hold a cold compress to the affected area to control bleeding and relieve pain – continue to apply pressure until bleeding subsides.

(If the bleeding doesn’t stop, call the doctor as like the emergency way.)

Simple Precautions to Avoid Dental Emergencies

  • Wear a mouthguard when participating in sports.
  • Avoid Chewing ice, popcorn kernels, hard candies, and other foods that could cause damage.
  • Brush and floss regularly to maintain strong healthy teeth.

Be Careful to your teeth to any dental emergency, hope the above points help you much to avoid any dental problems.